Stanisław Tabisz – Epiphanies

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“The greatest art in art is to discover yourself”

After the time of uncertainty and seeking during his studies at the Faculty of Painting of Krakow Academy of Fine Arts Władysław Podrazik made discoveries that definitely determined his further creative activity. Thanks to his deeply thoughtful and philosophical attitude as well as unusually focused and sophisticated vision of the ‘epiphanic’ canvases Podrazik has won the recognition and patronage of a great painter of contemporary icons prof. Jerzy Nowosielski.

For the first time in Krakow in the gallery of Andrzej Starmach we can witness the individual exhibition of Władysław Podrazik’s paintings organized with due professional moderation and economy. The exhibition is sponsored by “Kultur Kontakt”.

Podrazik’s dark, intangible and abstract paintings are characterized by synthetic unity of the geometric order of the mind and the sensually vibrant tissue of matter obtained by methodical, short strokes of the brush. The sphericality of light, the occasionally symmetric regularity of divisions with centric places touched with vibrant colour create, despite the metaphysical seriousness of the painting, some exotic aberration. Like Jan Lebenstein’s ‘axial figures’ Podrazik’s abstract universe is sometimes tied to an axis that runs vertically through the middle of the canvas or against the regular division of slants, horizontals and verticals that create a framework for open space.

Thus, what we find here is constancy guised in lightly and sensually ‘suggested’ attributes of beauty. The absolute freedom from the tangible, visible world needs not convince those who are down-to-earth and for whom God and the metaphysical abyss is revealed in the rhythm of everyday life, in simplicity and ordinariness, in the richness and variety of natural shapes, in sentimental dreams and human emotions.

Spirituality, perfection, harmony, and constancy, whether imagined or revealed, that form the elementary fabric of an idea that opposes and defines a real, physical object, are according to Podrazik the result of ‘the maturing of the right internal form.’ In one of his poetic reflections concerning his paintings the artist writes: “…Forms of another presence shine through a night of substance…” This is how you can achieve the internal balance and wisdom of life in the chaos of change and devastating cravings and desires that are the germ of the existential fall of divinity which is what all religions consider most noble in human nature.

Władysław Podrazik’ s highly introvert art of painting the most essential truths founded on his considerations and metaphysical experiences is a phenomenon as isolated as it is original. Andrzej Niedoba, the artist’s close friend, says: “The greatest art in art is to discover yourself”.

The ‘Starmach Gallery’ where Podrazik’s works are exhibited bases its commercial activity on the distinguished classics of contemporary Polish painting. The gallery also takes the risk of promoting young artists. And such exhibitions are sometimes much more interesting than the fragmentary proposals of self-respecting painters.

(“Czas Krakowski” 1993)